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One Big Love Story: The Path of the Heart with KRISTIN TONE and TORY JUNKIN

Essentially, we have a choice of two paths: the path of Love or the path of fear. Often we believe we are on the path of the heart, the path of love, but we inadvertently meandered down the alleys and sometimes freeways of fear. Most of us when asked what it is that we value, love or fear, we would instantly respond love. Yet, we give so much of our unconscious energy to fear and its offspring, guilt, shame, and lack. What we don't necessarily realize is that this simple discernment between love or fear-based action and thinking changes everything.

What if you were to act only out of self-love, joy and truth, rather than guilt, fear or obligation? What if you were to love you first? When we find the courage to do this, to love ourselves, we become the embodiment of love - healing ourselves, our loved ones and the world. Loving ourselves, although talked about often, eludes most of us. This is not offering yourself bath and a nap, although lovely when available. It is about taking all of your exiled, traumatized human parts and welcoming them back with love, curiosity and acceptance. Watch how, as you learn to do this, these parts no longer act out in you or the people around you. They don't need to, because they have found their place in your own heart. Come explore the deep wisdom that lives in the silence of you. It is there that you will find everything you seek. Sacred, silent meditations, yoga, breath work/energy clearing, energy healing instruction, chakra work and more...

With yoga teacher and TEH Energy Medicine Practitioner, Kristin Tone, and meditation teacher and Sufi healer, Tory Junkin.

Green Rock Ranch, Culver, Oregon

Arrive: Between 3-5pm Wednesday, May 4, 2022
Retreat closes on Saturday evening, May 7, 2022 (Option to spend Saturday night at the ranch and depart Sunday, no extra cost)